Tickets are £1 each and can be purchased individually or as books of 5, 10 and 20.

You don’t have to be a parent of a child at Oughtibridge Primary school to enter the SOS Christmas raffle as anyone can purchase tickets – this includes friends, family, neighbours and even school staff!

You can purchase as many raffle tickets as you wish to maximise your chances of winning a prize.

Select which book of tickets you would like to purchase and remember, the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win

Buy a £10 book of tickets

10 chances to win!!!
All tickets purchased are electronic and no physical tickets will be printed

Buy a £5 book of tickets

5 chances to win!!!
All tickets purchased are electronic and no physical tickets will be printed

Buy a £20 book of tickets

20 chances to win!!!
All tickets purchased are electronic and no physical tickets will be printed

Buy a £1 ticket

1 chance to win!!!
All tickets purchased are electronic and no physical tickets will be printed

Raffle Terms and Conditions

1) Raffle tickets can be purchased online from Friday 22nd November at 4pm until 3pm on Thursday December 12th 2024
2) Each raffle ticket costs £1 and includes a single entry into the draw
3) Tickets are sold in books of 5, 10 or 20 and individually.
4) You can purchase as many multiples as you like, in as many transactions as you like.
5) The Raffle will be drawn by at least 2 members of the SOS committee using a random number generator after the closure of ticket sales on Thursday 12th December.
6) A list of winners, identifying the name of the winner and their prize will be made available on the SOS Website and Facebook page as soon as the draw completes and will be circulated by ParentMail.
7) Winners will be able to collect their prizes from School week commencing Monday 16th December – exact details to be confirmed via ParentMail closer to the time.
8) Records will be kept of all monies received and contact details will be kept for 1 month to enable winners of unclaimed prizes to be contacted, unless consent is given for details to be kept on our mailing list.
9) Unclaimed or unwanted prizes will/can be returned to SOS and the volunteers will arrange for an additional auction to enable prizes to be snapped up raising further funds for the school. There is no obligation to return your prize, and you are welcome to make your own arrangements to pass on unwanted prizes.
10) Supports of Oughtibridge School (SOS) are a registered charity (number 1102918) and hold a non-commercial society (Small Social Lottery) licence with Sheffield City Council, which the Raffle falls under.
11) The Raffle is promoted by Zoe Hewitt who acts as the lottery coordinator.